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Come and chat with Queen and fellow friends!


Hey guys!

I haven’t posted in a LONG time, but I’m having an issue with these guys. “Sean” and “Gentoo” It seems as if they’re not getting along so well, and for what reason you may ask? I have no idea! They are attempting to hack each other is all I know and understand at the most part of the whole deal. Gentoo is also being threatened by most people about his CPPS also known as Camp Penguin. It has been a big hit ever since it was released a couple of weeks back, and im guessing it has a few exploits still, and is being ddosed by many or whoever can get their hands on it. The VPS is ever so dead right now, but we are/will eventually have Camp Penguin back up as bigger and better, so no worries and no hopes down! Also, the moderators chose to be some what rude, and decided to post inappropriate swf links onto the CPPS for everyone 17 and under to see, and because of that, the CPPS was removed off of CPPSHQ (the website that everyone posts their CPPS’ on to advertise them)So please comment about your opinion on these maliciously hateful hackers, and why or why not you agree that they should stop!

Also, please socialise on these main xats that I and Gentoo are always on!



xCPPS has come to an end

Recently xCPPS was hacked twice. Although xCPPS has been effected, Tent hs actually learned quite alot from the process. Like security measures for a VPS, even though he hasn’t learned enough to secure a VPS from hackers, he no longer wants to carry on in the community. Therefore he quits. xCPPS.me won’t be coming back, the domain will be forwarded to another CPPS. (I personally) knew this was going to happen and (I personally) know that all CPPS’ are competitors not friends when it all comes down to it. All CPPS’ end tragically, I mean look at all of the other previous CPPS’ that are now down! Sorry this has to end so soon guys. I will still be posting recently.


Get ready, set, DECORATE! xCPPS is hosting an igloo contest next week and you could be the winner! 


Maintenance on Cpps.me

Hey guys. I am pleased to be an official moderator on Cpps.me. We are having some downtime at the moment with fixing the servers, but will soon be back up by this weekend hopefully. Just keep an eye out and we will be back and up playing again very soon! 



Bigger Play Screen?

Guys, I know how much of you are BUGGED about the small play screen, and I have no idea why it’s so small! But, Tent is on a very tight schedule considering he has 3 CPPS’s all in one that he has to take care of. Also, I know it’s his job to keep the customers in update and try to understand every single one of you guys opinions, but we all have to give credit about how much effort he puts in to everything for us. But don’t worry, I do let Tent know these things, and I will make sure he knows about everyone not being able to download xCPPS from the homepage. In the meantime, if you CAN download, please do so! But, if you CAN’T download, and are using Google Chrome please Zoom in to view the Play Screen as Larger.  



Hey guys! What’dya think about the homepage?! 🙂


Aurora Chat

Hey guys! Tent has put a chat below where you play xCPPS so we can chat called the Aurora Chat! That is where you can find me and Tent when we are online to Chat with us. Wede love to have you sign up for it but please no scamming or there will be an IP ban!



Hey guys! iOLDCP was just released today! Please go check it out wede love to have you join! Thanks!

Link: ioldcp.myftp.biz
